SAFE OUR HEART Heart attack : Due to changing lifestyle and wrong eating, the risk of heart diseases is increasing from elders to youngsters. Due to this, nowadays people get heart attack at an early age. Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and thyroid are at the highest risk of heart attack. Click here If a person suddenly has a heart attack, then no one knows what to do. If symptoms of heart attack are not treated immediately, then the patient's life can also be lost. In such a situation, today we will tell you what you should do if a person has a sudden heart attack, which saves the patient's life. Click here symptoms of heart attack Initial vomiting Severe chest pain dizziness Hands and fingers Shoulders, neck and back pain Restless mind and restlessness breathing problem Excessive sweating Feeling of weakness Stress and nervousness Click here Sometimes these symptoms are not seen in diabetic patients. In such patients,...
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