Bodybuilding is “the development and growth of the body through exercise and diet.” However once you cross over into the profession bodybuilding world the definition becomes, “the development and growth of one’s physique for competitive purposes.” Two very distinct definitions, each with their differences, but with the same basis of building strength to the muscles of the body. We will dive into the bodybuilding sport, and what that entails, but first let’s look at the non-competitive side of
Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one's musculature for aesthetic purposes. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder.
1. Stress
2. Improve body
3. Healthy mind
4. Improve Nutrition
5. Improve body health
6. Better mantel health
7. Dipresson
8. Anxiety
☆ Stress
Too much stress and anxiety can affect your mental health and mind. The negative effects of stress are:
=Stress causes negative thinking
=Stress takes so much of our physical and mental energy
=Stress destroy enjoyment in life
=Stress reduces ability to focus
Stress is the body's reaction to physical or emotional change. Physical symptoms may include headaches, muscle pain, chest pain, weight gain or weight loss, etc.
=Stress takes so much of our physical and mental energy
=Stress destroy enjoyment in life
=Stress reduces ability to focus
Stress is the body's reaction to physical or emotional change. Physical symptoms may include headaches, muscle pain, chest pain, weight gain or weight loss, etc.
☆Improve body
When you are physically active and you exercise, you are taking active control over your health and that improves your body and the state of mind.
Bodybuilding, weight training and aerobic exercise improve your energy level, much needed for your body.
☆Healthy mind
When you exercise you breathe deeper, and that way you bring more oxygen to the body and brain. Oxygen keeps your brain healthy. In the same time your brain and mind needs mental energy so you can concentrate and focus better.
Having healthy and strong mind and body, means balance and great connection between mind and body.
☆Improve nutrition
To improve the health of your mind, the best would be to incorporate weight training, aerobic exercise, healthy nutrition and rest. Healthy eating habits and the food you eat can affect your thinking and memory. It is so important what you put in your body and from that depends how your brain and mind will improve their function.
☆Improve body health
Bodybuilding decreases risk of developing coronary heart disease. By engaging in physical activities such as weight training and aerobic exercise you have more chance to reduce and control high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol.
Bodybuilding has such great and healthy impact on muscle, bones and joints. Bodybuilding keeps your body and muscle strong and flexible.
☆Better mantel health
Weight training and aerobic exercise can help with reduction in stress, anxiety and depression. Weight training and aerobic exercise can help in rising of self-esteem and confidence. This is so important for people who have low self-esteem. Bodybuilding exercise can boost your self-esteem and confidence, by helping you to develop positive self-image. weight training and aerobic exercise can improve your mood and help you deal better and easier with negative emotions. The way weight training and aerobic exercise can improve mood is because this exercise will make you feel good. Physical activity, weight training and aerobic exercise help releases of endorphin. Endorphin is a brain chemical which influences mood. Bodybuilding exercise can help you sleep better, reduce fatigue and psychological tension.
Weight training and aerobic exercise can help with reduction in stress, anxiety and depression. Weight training and aerobic exercise can help in rising of self-esteem and confidence. This is so important for people who have low self-esteem. Bodybuilding exercise can boost your self-esteem and confidence, by helping you to develop positive self-image. weight training and aerobic exercise can improve your mood and help you deal better and easier with negative emotions. The way weight training and aerobic exercise can improve mood is because this exercise will make you feel good. Physical activity, weight training and aerobic exercise help releases of endorphin. Endorphin is a brain chemical which influences mood. Bodybuilding exercise can help you sleep better, reduce fatigue and psychological tension.
Depression is a medical condition and it could be caused by genetics, life difficult situations, and etc. But more than anything depression is the way people react to what happens in their lives.
=Lack of energy and feeling tired all the time.
=Weight gain or weight loss.
=Inability to sleep well and change in sleep patterns.
=Aches and pain in body and muscles.
=Irritability, anger or anxiety.
=Inability to enjoy life.
=Inability to focus and concentrate.
=Lack of motivation.
=Low mental and physical energy.
Weight training exercise and aerobic exercise are very good stress and tension reliever. Physical activities will keep your body and mind relaxed, refreshed and calm. With weight training and aerobic exercise, you will have a more positive impact on psychological and physical health.
Anxiety is different from stress. Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, fear, worry.
Anxiety could be caused by Stress at workplace, Stress and problems in a personal relationship, Financial stress, Emotional stress. Etc...
when Alzheimer's disease affects brain cells, which destroys memory and thinking. Alzheimer's disease brings gradually loss of mental functions like thinking, remembering and planning.
Weight training and aerobic exercise gets the blood flowing and your brain needs a lot of blood to function correctly. Having a healthy blood flow can keep your brain and mind functioning properly. It can keep your thinking, remembering and planning skills at work for you, not against you.
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